Chips' Chainsaw Powercarvings

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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Thanksgiving carving

Chips' Chainsaw Powercarving Raleigh, NC Thanksgiving has come and gone and I'm still stuffed two days later. I've got a small log set up to carve just have to find the inspiration's and get busy with it! My latest carving was a hand carved out of Maple about two foot tall. I gave it to the hand therapy group that helped me get my grip back so I could carve again plus I had a great surgeon (talk about carving). We all have so much we take for granted and it goes by so fast we need to give thanks while we can. Twenty-eight days to Christmas got to get busy with that and make a point to realize the true meaning before it comes and goes, and try to help my kids realize it also. Then new years and exercise are going to be at the top of the list for me next year. Chip


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